- 工業英文, 請幫我看要怎麼翻 (一句)
1. Applications requiring higher torque due to process condition may develop capable torque process within the manufacturing plant w/PEO
'' - 英文...我不明瞭specific在這裡的用法
specific是特定的和指定的的意思. 例如在這個句子裡面是, specific torque寫的人是在說"某一個(特定的)"torque (頸圈/項鍊), 而不是隨便一個torque
'' - tiffany FRANK GEHRY®TORQUE 戒指
tiffany FRANK GEHRY TORQUE 戒指 台灣有進這款戒指 目前專櫃售價5000元 以上給你參考!
'' - 請翻成中文~謝謝~翻議軟體勿近
繫緊扭矩(torque)這方面沒有特別的問題 可能會有忘記繫的時候 所以在升降
'' - 關於torque sensor
Torque meter與 Torque sensor 不同 Torque meter 用於量測扭力值 Torque sensor 用於機構感應裝置, 利用扭力跳脫時機構產生
'' - 和馬達有關的單字
induction motor 感應馬達winding current 線圈電流starting torque 啟動力矩capacitor run single phase induction motor 電容運轉單向感應馬達startor 啟動器
'' - Torque Converter Shudder? - Yahoo! Answers
Simply put from Horsepower/Torque Race Perspective, Torque is the low ... Torque is often created from an excessive stroke on big blocks, ...
'' - 普通物理 的問題!! 請幫幫我!!
(a) By τ = NBAI for a radial B-field where τ is torque, B is B-field, N is no. of turns in coil, A is area of coil and I is current in coil
'' - FS: Rota Torque 5x100 in 17x8 - NASIOC
FS: Rota Torque 5x100 in 17x8 NESIC Private Classifieds.
'' - [物理]普通物理的問題!!! (電磁感應)
0.1, current in the coil = 1.195 10-3 N/2.5 = 4.781 10-4 N (A) So the torque due to this current is NBAIcos4πt = 1.477 10-8 N2 (Nm) which is also the